Sabtu, 09 Mei 2020

Aureus Nummus

Aureus Nummus - Provides solutions for global payments and savings instruments.

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For hundreds of years gold can be used directly to buy goods, but gold also has other functions such as ornaments and jewelry. Because of increasing human needs and inefficient use of barter and commodity money, people are developing more efficient and measurable ways of exchange, namely money. The form of money also continued to develop from the beginning. The first is currency, the form of currency that we know of consists of two types, namely coins and paper money, which we commonly call cash. In addition, technological advances are currently very fast, making financial transactions easier, but there are still obstacles for users to make global payments and savings instruments.

According to the 2017 World Findex Global Global Database, around 2.5 billion people worldwide do not have access to bank accounts or financial services. This means that more than 32% of the world's population does not have a bank account, without the means to pay bills or receive wages other than moving goods or currencies from one hand to another.
In addition, due to new risks and KYC rules, many private and corporate clients closed their bank accounts or new applications have been rejected, an outbreak that has even affected established clients in increasing numbers.
This situation is certainly not in the interest of the government, which needs to collect taxes and cannot do it because most of the population is out of reach.
Then, there are further problems that require the same repairs ... traditional banking is expensive and vulnerable to theft (identity) and other criminal trials.
Traditional banking is becoming increasingly exclusive with large numbers of people and companies being denied bank accounts
Fiat money is subject to inflation and policies set by each central bank.
Fiat money has no intrinsic value. Their value is in accordance with that determined by the central bank.
Cryptocurrency is trying to overcome the shortage of banknotes, but itself suffers from a large price range and lack of intrinsic value and inflation.
Cryptocurrency supported by non-assets suffers from severe price volatility, limiting their utility as a currency.
Cryptocurrency is often used for speculation and is not considered a store of value.

With this, Aureus Nummus provides solutions for global payments and savings instruments:

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What coin?

Aureus Nummus is a digital asset and digital cryptocurrency supported by gold. Aureus Nummus does not require users to have a bank account or credit line such as a credit card to have Aureus Nummus cryptocurrency - they only need to change money into or exit Aureus Nummus to use it.

Aureus Nummus is designed to complement fiat currencies and banking services by providing anti-corruption payment and savings instruments with intrinsic value that solve the problem of trust, and various problems and challenges related to fiat money and banking.

Aureus Nummus (symbol: ang) is a digital currency and assets, supported by physical gold or gold equivalent and serves as an instrument of payment and global savings.

=> Gold support gives Aureus Nummus intrinsic value and much higher stability compared to other currencies and payment systems.

=> Gold support, fixed exchange rates, and software algorithms support and stabilize the price of the Nummus Gold aureus.

Aureus Nummus is designed to complement fiat currencies and banking services by providing anti-corruption payment and savings instruments with intrinsic value that solve the problem of trust, and various problems and challenges related to fiat money and banking.

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What's interesting in coins?

Aureus Nummus does not require users to have a bank account or credit line, such as a credit card, to have Aureus Nummus cryptocurrency - they only need to convert money, other cryptocurrency or precious metals to or from Aureus Nummus to use it.
Aureus Nummus can be used as a means of payment and savings by all without proper access to modern banking or wants to have an alternative to traditional banking.
Nummus aureus's supply in circulation is limited and forever remains at 60,000,000,000 coins, and is therefore free from inflation.
Aureus Nummus is fully decentralized. There is no entity or authority that can change or influence the Aureus Nummus constitution or its clever contract. When Aureus Nummus was based on Ethereum's smart contract, it proceeded as programmed without the possibility of termination, censorship, fraud, and interference from third parties.

A coin is:

Gold supported.
Remain Available in 60,000,000,000,000 coins.
Cannot 'mine'.
Free from inflation.
Anti-fraud and fraud.

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A COIN coin:

This coin holder can change it back to gold or gold equivalent at any time. The conversion rate remains constant and does not depend on market price fluctuations: 100,000 ANG is equal to 1 ounce of gold bars.

The cost of 1 ounce of gold bars is equal to around 1,500 US Dollars. According to this fee, 1 ANG coin is equal to around 0.015 US Dollars.

Aureus Nummus coins cannot be mined. ANG's supply is fixed and limited. And transactions connected to sending and getting ANG are anonymous.

For more information, click the link below:



ETH Address: 0xD4b7EdE77B389025b0edB1f6aebFbe0395D6e578

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